Monday, April 4, 2011

I swear to Dog that work needs to back off. 2nd weekend in a row where I've put in 16 hours or more on projects at the last minute.

I understand grabbing an opportunity, but planning helps people. Really.

So I'm burned out again, and today doesn't look like much of a rest.
Emails started flooding in with changes and alterations to material I produced already as soon as I logged into the VPN.


I'm not sure if I'm going to run anything this week. At least right now I'm thinking no. Mentally foggy. Want to play. Want. Just can't bring myself to build up the energy to do it.

On a side note, a friend of mine has been tempting me with Rift.
I am totally tempted. I love MMO's and something unique looks good.
I love WoW. But... it's just hit a dull spot with me.

I enjoy all aspects of the game. But dungeons are too much for me at this time. I started running a tank in November of last year, and loved it. Easy peasy. But now, I'm struggling with the mechanics of it. I don't want to spend an hour to two running 5 man's.
I don't know if it's the content, me, my spec, or what. It's just not fun. And I don't want to pay for not fun. Y'know?

So Rift has a lot of options, does alot of what WoW does, and is all new. I enjoy the traditional fantasy races, but I want something... different from a solid fantasy game.
Unique races, with not the same ol tropes.

I'd love an MMO that has one faction. Not Horde vs Alliance or any such thing. That way there is a common goal. Let PVP be like WoW arena's, testing player vs player. I'm tired of the "Horde sux" "Alliance is ghey" mentality.

It builds an animosity that doesn't need to exist in a game.

Anywho... I tried EVE online and couldn't get into it this weekend. It's lovely, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me what the heck I was supposed to do.

So I'd like to play an rpg/mmo. I may end up checking out NVN2 or Dragon Age just to have something to let my imagination wander with.

But it's monday.