Monday, April 13, 2009

Round 2: The same... only different

Ok. So I got an email telling me that the client is not ready for a bottle redesign as much as they are just some simple cosmetic changes.


I can do this.
But they need it for a meeting this morning at 10:30am.

Oh cool. I look at my watch(8:45am). Loads of time.
We need it by 9:30 so we can prepare.


No worries!

I took their basic yellow(which is the bottle they're using) and pantone matched it.
Guessed at the specs(aka the live area) for presentation and came up with some real simple designs. I have some that have the full wrap to show the continuing design but they mainly want to have an initial "here-it-is-look" for their presentation.

What do ya think?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Logo redesign? Hmmmm

Here's a few ideas I've had for redesigning a logo and incorporating my look with other items.
Links, prices, and so forth. For web and letterhead.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weird... here's how it should look.

An update/correction for the tanning product

Got changes but forgot to post them here.
Here's an minor change I did for one of the bottles.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Photoshop practice

In doing my job searches, I find that I don't use my regular skills all the time. When I did my packaging stuff below, I actually forgot some of my shortcuts/macro's. It was quite sad.
So I'm renewing a promise to myself to keep my skills up to date by doing at least one tutorial a day. Here's one that I worked on today. I stopped, and didn't add the fonts for this. I like what I did, and had fun, but some of the variations I stumbled upon were pretty cool too.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

One post before I go go...

Quick before I go to the DMA with my son's 6th grade class, gotta post a couple of the revised designs with faux bottles(which are bad-bleh).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More tanning products

Y'know in my mind, design is design.
It's just getting your thinking around the subject matter.
I normally do printed materials in a marketing aspect. Brochures, flyers and the like.
So my package design skills are not as strong.
I did them in at previous job, but they were sloppy and fast.

Ok... so are these.
But they're better. :D
Just a couple of examples of the front of the product.

Unemployement stinks... in other news water is wet

Ok. So being unemployed is rotten. Like no one knows that...
But for me, it's getting down right depressing.
I've sent well over 200-300 resumes in the last two months. With a whopping one reply.
Is it or's fault? Are they innandating the HR of the companies I'm applying for with a ton of applicants?
I don't get it.

I've got the experience, I've got the skill, yet no one is hiring.
I know the market is saturated, but c'mon, at least gimme an interview.

On the plus side, I'm working on freelance stuff and doing some tutorials for my web design. My skills are fair, I need them to be stronger. CSS is awesome btw.

Anywho... that and I'm including a image of the first round of designs for project I'm working on.