Ok. So being unemployed is rotten. Like no one knows that...
But for me, it's getting down right depressing.
I've sent well over 200-300 resumes in the last two months. With a whopping one reply.
Is it monster.com or careerbuilder.com's fault? Are they innandating the HR of the companies I'm applying for with a ton of applicants?
I don't get it.
I've got the experience, I've got the skill, yet no one is hiring.
I know the market is saturated, but c'mon, at least gimme an interview.
On the plus side, I'm working on freelance stuff and doing some tutorials for my web design. My skills are fair, I need them to be stronger. CSS is awesome btw.
Anywho... that and I'm including a image of the first round of designs for project I'm working on.