So.... I've been a miss at running my weekly (er) bi-weekly game. This last month of my daughter's life as a senior in high school has been packed with things to attend and do. Not to mention work is a bear right now. So when I'm not attending/creating/doing something for my senior, I've been working my butt off.
And thus my game has suffered. I'm seriously burnt out. bleh
In an effort to correct this, and it may seem counter-intuitive, I started P90X last Tuesday.
And wow. Monster workouts and lots of soreness. Feels like 2-a-day's in high school all over again. I thought I was in decent shape... emphasis on thought. I was barely on the cusp of the word, like on the beginning o f the letter S, if at all.
For the most part, I've been able to keep up with the work outs. The Plyometrics workout was... ugh... a bit more high impact than I anticipated. Had to modify it quite alot. But that's the cool thing, modifications are encouraged. Two things were core to me. Show up, and Bring it.
Participation is better than not, and if you need to mod every more, do it. As long as your moving and in the action, it's all good.
So on the down side, the last two work outs have been screwed up. My legs/back workout got interrupted with my Wife cooking in the kitchen. I found myself getting seriously nauseated due to the smell what she was cooking and had to stop the workout. It affected me quite a bit, and twisted the rest of my day.
And then yesterday, I just didn't find the time to get my last workout of the week, Kenpo, in.
Which is sad, I was looking forward to that.
But... I'm on the fence. Today is my "rest" day, and technically I could do Kenpo, since I really rested yesterday. Gotta think about this.
Hopefully, I'll game with my adult group this week.
Almost forgot, finished the adventure Tower of Maraj for my daughter, two of her friends and my son yesterday. They loved it and they wanted to make their own characters for an ongoing game. So we did. Brianna is running an half-elven hunter, Matena is running an Eladrin Invoker(mage), and Ariel is running a Warpriest of Pelor. They're so excited and so am I.
While I adore my adult group, starting fresh with group of new players is fun. Everything is exciting and new to them. Everything.
Will post more soon.
Running Iomandra
2 months ago
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