Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Don't watch twitvid's without knowing what they're about

So in a search for something unrelated... I stumbled across an interview with Jim Butcher, author of the Dresden Files from late last year. He's chopped off all his hair(much like me) and shaved down his beard(not like me-I don't have one).

Because he's one of my favorite author's, I watched. Only to find out the spoilers from the book Changes, which I hadn't read yet.


While I normally don't mind spoilers, because I'm the kind of person who enjoy's the journey of a story and can appreciate it not matter how I find out. This was a kick in the stomach.
I can appreciate the interviewer plugging his upcoming short stories book, but really? Really? The ending of Changes.

Now I have to step up my reading to finish the series. Not that I needed much arm twisting, it's just that I've got soooo much stuff on my plate I can barely keep up with my other interests and read for fun too.

At least I know there's more Dresden Files coming...

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